

讓愛與和平佔領中環 Occupy Central with Love and Peace
相關連結: 99% | 香港獨立媒體-佔領中環頁

港人講普選 Design Democracy


民主教室 DEHK
網頁 | facebook

未來民主大學 University of Democracy-to-come

香港巿民支援愛國民主運動聯合會 Hong Kong Alliance In Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
網頁 | 港支聯通訊 | 支聯會青年組

國際特赦組織香港分會 Amnesty International Hong Kong

HKU Stand for Freedom

公民經濟 - 協作社會企業創業網 Collaborative Social Enterprise Start-up
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協作領袖服務隊 Collaborative Leaders for Social Good
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獨立中文筆會 Independent Chinese PEN Center
網頁 | facebook page | fb public group

天安門民主大學 TiananmenUniv.net

華人民主書院 New School for Democracy
網頁 | facebook | youtube

劉霞關注組 Liu Xia Concern Group

國際特赦組織中國組 Amnesty International China Team

Overseas/ International

主頁 | 出版物 | 新聞中心

Civicus - World Alliance of Citizen Participation
It was the 1991 decision of a group of civil society leaders from across the world to reinforce and support the virtual expansion of citizen participation in every region of the globe.

Direct Action Network
The Direct Action Network or DAN is a web platform that enables ordinary people to remove financial and economic power from harmful economic and political organisations, and where necessary, to shut those organisations down, through coordinated economic non-cooperation.
Tumblr page | Medium - Wikiterms | What is Direct Action Network?

Direct Action Network (UK)
Direct Action Network (DAN) is a UK-wide network of disabled activists who use non- violent civil disobedience as direct action to fight for equal treatment and full civil and human rights. They are part of the disabled people’s movement: campaigning for equality.

Metta Center for Nonviolence
Homepage | Concepts | radio | Roadmap | #100days of Nonviolence 

National Action Network (US)
National Action Network is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the Nation with chapters throughout the entire United States. Founded in 1991 by Reverend Al Sharpton, NAN works within the spirit and tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality or gender.
website | facebook

Peace Research Institute of Oslo
Founded in 1959, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) is an independent research institution known for its effective synergy of basic and policy-relevant research. In addition to such research, PRIO conducts graduate training and is engaged in the promotion of peace through conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, public information and policymaking activities.
website | blog | publications | education | journals | data

Roots of Empathy
Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 聯合國經濟及社會理事會
ECOSOC is the United Nations platform on economic and social issues.
homepage | subsidiary bodies | Development Cooperation Forumdocumentation | facebook

United States Institute of Peace (US)
The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress to increase the nation's capacity to manage international conflict without violence.

Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
As a global women's advocacy organization, WEDO envisions a just world that promotes and protects human rights, gender equality and the integrity of the environment.
homepage | Publications | facebook

Personal Blog
Erica Chenoweth

信息自由觀察工作室 facebook
Why Civil Resistance Works facebook

