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周保松:公民不服從 youtube
周保松:論自由 youtube

努力走向公民社會 - 梁文道 youtube

非暴力抗爭 - Scilla Elworthy TED

Erica Chenoweth
Why Civil Resistance Works: Nonviolence in the Past and Future youtube

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非暴力抗爭小手冊 下載

實現社會變革的非暴力途徑 網頁

非暴力衝突資源庫(簡體) 網誌

《一種更強大的力量------非暴力抗爭一百年》 |

Albert Einstein Institution Free Resource

《從獨裁走向民主》繁體 | 簡体

English Titles Free Download

Adam Roberts. Civil resistance in the East European and Soviet Revolutions.

198 Methods of nonviolent action
Nonviolent Struggle and the Revolution in East Germany.
Toward Research and Theory Building in the Study of Nonviolent Action
Nonviolent Resistance in Lithuania: A Story of Peaceful Liberation.
Gene Sharp. Making the abolition of war a realistic goal
Gene Sharp & Bruce Jenkins.The Anti-Coup
Gene Sharp.The role of power in nonviolent struggle.
Gene Sharp. Tyranny could not quell them!
Self-liberation Readings - The politics of nonviolent action: excerpts (1973)
Self-liberation Readings - Social Power & Political Freedom: excerpts (1980)
Gene Sharp (1985) National Security through civilian-based Defense.
Gene Sharp (1990) Civilian-based Defense: a post-military weapons system. NJ: Princeton University Press.
Gene Sharp (1994) From Dictatorship to Democracy: a conceptual framework for liberation.
Gene Sharp (2003) There are realistic alternatives. audio book
Self-liberation Readings - Waging nonviolent struggle: excerpts (2005)
Gene Sharp (2009) Self-liberation: a guide to strategic planning for action to end a dictatorship or other oppression.
Gene Sharp & Bemal, Jaime Gonzalez. (2013) How Nonviolent Struggle Works.

Johan Jorgen Holst. Civilian-based Defense in a New Era.

Olgerts Eglitis. Nonviolent Action in the Liberation of Lativia.

Patricia Parkman. Insurrectionary civic strikes in Latin America 1931-1961

Robert L. Helvey (2004) On Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: Thinking about the fundamentals

Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice 
(School of Public Health, Drexel University, U.S.)
PeacePoints, Vol. 1, Issue 1. download

christian peacemaker teams
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Principles of Nonviolence download

The Complete Site on Mahatma Gandhi
My Non-violence. by M.K. Gandhi. download

Hague Appeal for Peace
Libresco and Balantic. Peace Lessons from around the world. download

Promoting a culture of non-violence and peace. download

Nonviolence in Irish History. download

International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Learning & Resources download

Bob Irwin (1983) Why Nonviolence? Introduction to Nonviolence Theory and Strategy. also from here. (Vernal Education Project)
Cynthia Boaz and Jack DuVall. (2006) Defying Violence with Democracy: Why grassroots civil society is key to the future of Iraq.
Maria Stephan and Jacob Mundy (2006) A Battlefield Transformed: from Guerilla resistance to mass nonviolence struggle in the Western Sahara.
Stephen Zunes (2005) Recognizing the Power of Nonviolent Action.
Peter Ackerman and Jack Duvall (2006). The Right to Rise Up: People Power and the Virtues of Civic Disruption.
Jack Duvall (2004) Outside view - Part 1: Liberation by the People.
Jack Duvall (2004) Outside view - Part 2: Supplanting terror.

John Keane
website | books | topics of interests | media

The King Center
website | The Archive

Los Angeles Direct Action Archive
Colours of Resistance Archive website

National Foundation for Communal Harmony (India)
Promoting Principles of Non-violence for Conflict Resolution. download

Nonviolence United
The Power of Nonviolence. download

Non-violence Wheel. download

Peaceful Schools International
The Class of Nonviolence. download
The Power of Nonviolence pdf

Stanford University
MLK Institute  The Martin Luther King, Jr. Paper Project | King Resources
Nonviolence and Racial Justice, by Martin Luther King, 1957. download
My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence, by Martin Luther King, 1958. download
I've been to the mountain top, by Martin Luther King, 1968. pdf

UNDP (2005) Programming for Justice: Access for All - A Practitioner's Guide to a Human Rights-based Approach to Access to Justice. download

Jean Marie Muller. (2002) Non-violence in Education. download
Culture of Peace and Non-violence: a vision in action. download

United States Institute of Peace
Nonviolent Civic Action. download
Nonviolent Struggle: 50 Crucial Points. download

War Resisters' International
Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns. download (First edition).

Books and Articles 文章/書本

成名:<全球經驗:如何實現民主?>,民主教室(cdehk.com) ppt




楊梓燁:公民抗命(公民不服從) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


張洋培:<群眾性公民防衛(CBD)對台灣安全的衝擊與啟示> pdf

施正峰:<人民力量-運用非暴力觀念>,《台灣的國家安全-和平研究的途徑》,2009,台灣國際研究學會,頁377-405。 pdf


阿克曼(Ackerman, Peter)與杜瓦爾(DuVall, Jack),張大軍譯,《一種更强大的力量---非暴力抗爭一百年》。pdf


陳巍、潘威、黃家裕:〈非暴力的心理學研究 - 歷史、模型及展望〉,《西南大學學報(社會科學版)》,2014年1月,第40卷,第1期。 pdf 
Arendt, Hannah (1951) The Origins of Totalitarianism. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Co. download (Ch.9)

Arendt, Hannah (1958) The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. download

Arendt, Hannah (2003) Personal Responsiblity under Dictatorship. In Responsibility and Judgement, edited by Jorome Kohn, New York: Schocken. download

Aung San Suu Kyi (1990) Speech: Freedom from Fear. pdf | 中譯(節選) |  | 英文輔讀材料

Ernest Gellner (1995) The Price of Velvet: Thomas Masaryk and Vaclav Havel. Czech Sociological Review, vol.3, no.1:45-57. download

Direct Action: A handbook pdf

Gandhi, K. Mahatma.(1958) All Men are Brothers: Life and Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi as told in his own words. Compiled and edited by Krishna Kripalani. UNESCO. pdf

Gandhi, Mahatma (1961) Non-violent Resistance.
    The Doctrine of the Sword. 原文輔讀材料

Gandhi, Mahatma. I still believe in Non-violence.  download

Havel, Vaclav (1978) The Power of the Powerless. download
    Chapter 1 - 3 pdf (英文輔讀材料)
    Chapter 4 - 6 pdf (英文輔讀材料)

King, Martin Luther Jr. (1957) The Birth of a New Nation. webpage

King, Martin Luther Jr. (1957) Give us the Ballot - address at the prayer pilgrimage for freedom. webpage

King, Martin Luther Jr. (1958) Stride Toward Freedom. reader's guide | teacher's guide
      "Three ways of meeting oppression." pdf
      "Pilgrimage to Nonviolence" (Chapter 6) 原文輔讀材料
      "Philosophy of Nonviolence" (Chapter 6) 原文輔讀材料

King, Martin Luther Jr. (1959) The measure of a man.download

King, Martin Luther Jr. (1963) I have a dream. pdf
馬丁路德‧金:《我有一個夢》 中譯 pdf

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1963) Speech at the Great March on Detroit. webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr.(1963) Letter from Birmingham City Jail. pdf
馬丁路德‧金: <從伯明翰巿監獄發出的信> 中譯 pdf

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1963) Eulogy for the Martyred Children. webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1964) The American Dream. pdf

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1964) Speech on South Africa.(en route to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize). webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1965) Let my people go. webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1965) Our God is Marching On! webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1967) Beyond Vietnam. pdf

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1967) Where do we go from here? webpage

King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1968) I've Been to the Mountaintop. pdf

King, Martin Luther, Jr. Principles of Nonviolence. pdf

Mandela, Nelson: Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. pdf

Mandela, Nelson: In his words - excerpts from speeches, 1961-2008. UN pdf

Mandela, Nelson: By Himself - The Authorised Book of Quotations. pdf

Maria J.Stephan and Erica Chenoweth. (2008) Why Civil Resistance Works: the strategic logic of nonviolent conflict. International Security 33:1. download

Michael N.Nagler. The Nonviolence Handbook: a guide for practical action. download (excerpt)

Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice. US: Harvard University Press.
      55. The Definition of Civil Disobedience google book
      57. The Justification of Civil Disobedience

Robert E. Klitgaard (1971) Gandhi's Non-violence as a Tactic. Journal of Peace Research, vol.8, no.2, pp. 143-153. download

Vaclav, Havel: Living in Truth. (London, Boston: faber and faber, 1989)
      The Power of the Powerless.(essay on 1978 ) webpage
      Politics and Conscience.(essay on 1984 ) webpage

Journals 期刊


